Monday, October 6, 2008

Tye Hill Has Regressed

Tye Hill = Burnt Toast

Tye Hill was beaten all day on Sunday by the New York Giants. Burress, Toomer, Hixon, Smith, it did not matter who Hill was covering they always seem to make the catch. Eli Manning torched the Rams with a QB rating of 131.4. Tye Hill was drafted 15th, in the first round of the 2006 NFL draft to be the Rams shut down corner, however he seems to have regressed since being drafted. He liked to gamble and make plays on the ball at Clemson. Since being on the Rams he seems to try to run stride for stride with wide-outs but never makes a play on the ball or even seems to know where the ball is. Under Jim Haslett and Ron Milus I just do not see him improving. At 5'10" and 180 pounds, Hill is usually part of a weekly mis-match. With the Rams lack of pass rush the corners have to be on the top of their game and Hill is beaten weekly.

Sportsnet had this to say about Tye Hill
Doesn't match up well against big receivers and can be picked on by players like Larry Fitzgerald. Plays through nagging injuries that slow him down. A nickel-type corner miscast as a shutdown guy.

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