Monday, October 6, 2008

Kurt Warner Is Perfect

Kurt Warner is Perfect!I am usually a fan that does not want to dwell on the past, and would like to see the St. Louis Rams improve and get better. Once Al Saunders was selected as the Rams offensive coordinator for this season you heard the phrase "Greatest Show on Turf" thrown out there again. Well the 2008 St. Louis Rams will never be the greatest show on turf again. Fans still do not realize what they witnessed. Well if you were lucky enough to catch the Miami Dolphins @ Arizona Cardinals game today you got to witness greatness again. After spending 3+ hours down at the Edward Jones Dome watching Marc Bulger, I am going to throw out some props to Kurt Warner the greatest QB in St. Louis Rams history.

Kurt Warner had a perfect QB rating today. Sure nobody understands the rating but it is rare to achieve a perfect rating. As they pointed out today you have to go back to Jim Hart in 1975 for the last Cardinals QB to put up a perfect QB rating. Warner was 19 of 25 for 361 yards, 3 touchdowns, and a QB rating of 158.3. Perfect! Kurt Warner is still one of the most accurate QBs in the NFL. Kurt we miss you!

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