Thursday, July 28, 2011

Is It Time For The Four Pillars To Come Down

So football just came back and I think I already have to get on my soap box. I am even calling myself out because the St. Louis Rams just spent $32 million dollars to sign Safety Quintin Mikell so what could be concerning me already. Lets just say that I don't always agree with the four pillars approach taken by General Manager Billy Devaney and Head Coach Steve Spagnuolo. At the same time I don't want a team of convicts like the Cincinnati Bengals have had on the field in the recent past. So what do I want? Well I would like the Rams to not be so conservative. It has been eight years since the Rams have had a winning season. Instead of signing a big name coach the Rams have went the inexperienced route by using Mike Martz, Joe Vitt, Scott Linehan, Jim Haslett and Steve Spagnuolo over the last decade.

I would like the Rams to make a big splash in free agency especially when the NFC West is so weak. This is the time to jump on this division and dominate for years to come. We still only have Steven Jackson in the backfield. Today Darren Sproles went to the New Orleans Saints for 4-years and 14 million dollars. Sproles is a change of pace back and great out of the backfield, isn't that what we have been looking for? For a team that gave Drew Bennett 30 mill, Jacob Bell 36 mill, and Jason Brown 38 mill you would think we could shell out 3 mill a year for Sproles. Reggie Bush was signed by the Miami Dolphins today to a two year deal for$ 9.75 million dollars. The Rams who lack a #1 WR could use Bush to make every receiver on the Rams better, and what better outlet valve could you give Sam Bradford than Bush. The Rams seem content to always be on the safe side, on draft picks, on offense and on defense isn't it time to take a chance? Well I say yes it is, so please look into how much Plaxico Burress would cost...

By Stlvinnie -


  1. I think the Rams are considering any player with talent already. They seriously investigated Randy Moss last year and Sproles has nothing to do with the Pillars. It seems that the Rams prefer Snelling and Jerome Harrison. I like Harrison because he's explosive and Snelling can handle more carries than Sproles.

  2. Looks like the Rams are going to get Snelling. I agree that Harrison can flat out play. At least we apparently will have an NFL running back as the back up.
