Monday, July 26, 2010

Rams Call Timeout on Deal For Terrell Owens

Well any sane person knows to not put too much stock in any Chris Mortensen reports from ESPN. Mortensen who over the weekend said the St. Louis Rams would make a serious offer for Terrell Owens in the next 48-72 hours is apparently wrong. Jim Thomas of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported the St. Louis Rams are no longer interested in Terrell Owens. He further stated "The team did in fact discuss Owens on Monday and in recent days, but their interest in Owens was never as great as portrayed in some media reports." Jay Glazer of FOX also reported that the Rams are out.

Charles Robinson of YahooSports also had some interesting Tweets today:
The interest of the Rams was genuine. But their interest was leaked to push the
fence-sitters (Bengals). Rams aren't playing that game.

T.O. wants a
team with a shot at the Super Bowl. Rams are not that right now & don't want
to just be used as leverage in contract talks.

Just talked to someone
with the Rams. They are indeed out of the Terrell Owens hunt. Not going to

Overall as a St. Louis Rams fan you can not be too surprised by this news. Why would the St. Louis Rams who have still not been officially sold, and still have not signed their top two draft picks suddenly find interest in the again Owens? Furthermore I can not believe Terrell Owens would ever play for a 1-15 football team even if it was his only offer. Although it does appear the Rams may have briefly entertained the idea it still feels like they may have been trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Was this a cheap way for the Rams front office to spark interest in a team that is frankly not being talked about at all in it's own town? Was the current front office only thinking of signing Terrell Owens to possibly sell jerseys and a few extra tickets? We may never know, but for now it appears that we were just part of another Terrell Owens circus side show.

By Stlvinnie -

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