Monday, September 14, 2009

The Steven Jackson report on 101 ESPN

Every week Steven Jackson will do a call-in feature on “The Fast Lane” at 5pm CST on 101 ESPN. I was able to catch the show tonight. The hosts Bob Ramsey, Randy Karraker, and DeMarco Farr will ask Steven questions about the St. Louis Rams previous game. I will summarize below:

On the chippy play and conflicts with Aaron Curry, Steven Jackson said it was the 1st game, and it was just guys being competitive.

About the hit on Bulger, Jackson was quick to say this team will not lay down, they will fight to the end. The Rams want to focus on 2009, not the 5-27 over the previous two season.

What happens in the huddle when all of the false starts and personal fouls are happening? Jackson basically said nobody gets yelled at they just say come on team or come on Rams we know better we need to play smarter. He said they don't want to step on individual toes in those situations. I don't know why it is apparent someone needs to talk to Richie Incognito.

On the O-line performance, Jackson simply said the Seattle Seahawks were prepared.

About the hit on Mark Bulger, Jackson said they are not going to let another team try to intimidate them, and they will protect their QB. A few first downs would have protected him better if you ask me.

On his off day (Tuesday) he likes to spend time with his family and just do normal things.

They asked about his running style and if there was any daylight on the running plays. Jackson again just pointed out that Seattle played well.

When asked a dumb question about how the loss of Brian Urlacher from the Chicago Bears would affect their defense, Jackson said he is worried about Albert Haynesworth and the Washington Redskins.

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