Thursday, July 30, 2009

St. Louis Rams Have Signed Jason Smith

The St. Louis Rams have signed Jason Smith their first round draft pick, and second overall pick in the 2009 NFL Draft to a six year contract. It is being reported that Smith will receive $33 million in guaranteed money. Noteworthy is the fact that the contract voids to only 5 years, meaning Smith is getting 6.6 million per year in guaranteed money. That is more per year than Jake Long received last year as the number 1 selection in the 2008 NFL draft. Jake Long was considered a stud left tackle, while the Rams still say Jason Smith will start his career at right tackle. If Smith is unable to convert to left tackle during his tenure in St. Louis then the Rams have way over paid. For now the fans and the Rams can't worry about that. We need to solidify the offensive line and start building a power running team with a solid defense. According to the Rams Smith will be on the field Friday at Russell Training Center for practice. With the signing of Smith the Rams have now signed all of their 2009 NFL Draft picks.

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