Monday, February 2, 2009

Best 2009 Super Bowl Commercials

What was your favorite Super Bowl Commercial during Sunday's Super Bowl? This is always a great topic after the game. There were a lot of duds this year but a few caught my eye. I have to go with the Etrade Babies as #1. A solid number 2 was the Doritos Snow Globe commercial. For everyone that works in an office you know you would love to do this. To round out our top three we will go with the Hulu Alec Baldwin commercial which I thought was the most clever. It as hard to not select either of the commercials but we managed. The Doritos Bus commercial was also good but we did not want to pick two from the same company. What was your favorite?

To see all of this years Super Bowl commercials in one place check out the AOL FanHouse.

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