Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hey Leonard Little Your Just A Regular Guy

Wednesday the St. Louis Post Dispatch reported that Leonard Little said Kurt Warner is "just a regular quarterback now." Sure Leonard probably said this tongue-n-cheek but Kurt Warner is far from regular and Leonard should know that. Kurt Warner lit up the St. Louis Rams once again at the Edward Jones Dome on Sunday in route to a 34-13 Arizona Cardinals victory. Warner was 23 out of 34 for 342 yards and 2 touchdowns. Kurt came in leading the NFL in completion percentage and was 3rd in QB rating. Kurt completed 68% of his passes on Sunday and had a QB rating of 120. It was Marc Bulger that fumbled and threw picks on Sunday not Kurt. Leonard who played off and on during the contest on Sunday, mostly on passing downs came up with one tackle on the day. Hey Leonard maybe you are just a regular guy!
Defensive end Leonard Little chuckled Wednesday when asked whether he’d be glad to see his former teammate Sunday at the Edward Jones Dome. “You guys ask that every year,” Little replied. “He’s a friend of mine. He brought us a world championship here, but I just treat him like a regular quarterback now.”

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