Monday, October 6, 2008

The Worst Team In Missouri Is...

Well while we are drowning our 0-3 sorrows we would like to thank Bodog for also piling on. However their current odds do have us slightly ahead of our state rival the Kansas City Chiefs, which in this case is a bad thing because the Chiefs would get the top overall pick in the 2009 NFL Draft while our St. Louis Rams would pick second. While the Rams could definitely use Michael Oher, or Michael Johnson, if Marc Bulger does not turn it around this battle could be for Matt Stafford

Which team will have the #1 overall pick in the 2009 NFL Draft?

Kansas City Chiefs 3/2

St. Louis 7/4

Detroit 5/2

Cleveland 10/1

Cincinnati 12/1

Houston 15/1

Other 3/1

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