Monday, October 6, 2008

Train Wreck Pulls Into Rams Park

Train Wreck At Rams ParkWell unless you have been under a rock you have heard all about the train wreck over at Rams Park. How can we even begin to cover this? Below you will find many quotes from Scott Linehan, Steven Jackson, Torry Holt, Orlando Pace and others about all of the happenings this week over at Rams Park. The week started with a 37-13 loss to the Seattle Seahawks and went down hill from there. Linehan first decided to bench Marc Bulger in favor of Trent Green for the week 4 game against the Buffalo Bills. This caused quite a stir with the O-line, Torry Holt and Steven Jackson. After that started to calm down Scott Linehan flat out released Fakhir Brown. This was an FU from Scott Linehan to Jim Haslett. Now the secondary is also shocked and not talking to the media and probably not trusting of Scott Linehan. With the awful play from Tye Hill and Corey Chavous why was Fakhir made the scapegoat? Quotes were gathered from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Yahoo Sports, and
*Pace, on Bulger’s benching: “Hopefully I do my job so I don’t get replaced.”

*Even after his worst games, Bulger consistently has stood up to reporters’ questions. But he’s declined to be interviewed in the wake of coach Scott Linehan’s decision to go with Trent Green vs. the Bills.

Steven Jackson lowered his head and sighed when asked Thursday how his sore groin was feeling. “The groin is fine,” he said. “My groin doesn’t bother me any more than my feelings in my heart.”

"I'm going to do some kind of dance," said Avery, the rookie from the University of Houston. "There's going to be a 100-percent guarantee I'm going to dance."

Avery declined to provide a preview for the media Thursday, but noted: "You'll see it Sunday. I'm still memorizing what dance technique or routine I'm going to do."

"I do look at some of the highlights and stuff," Avery said. "I know they're out there doing their thing. That's motivation for me. ... That helps me get up and say, 'OK. I can play up on this level.' "

Jackson said benching Bulger was the "wrong decision."
"He's our general," said Jackson, who then pointed out that you don't pay someone "$60-something million" and then sit him on the bench.

Team sources did in fact tell the Post-Dispatch on Thursday that Bulger no longer wants to play for coach Scott Linehan. Bulger has declined comment for three consecutive days since his benching became public knowledge.

When asked by the radio show's host, Malcolm Briggs, if there were other Rams players who were against the benching, Jackson paused and replied, "I'm not the only one who feels this way."

"He's never given me any (such) indication," Linehan told reporters. "I know he's disappointed with my decision. He's practiced very well this week, and worked hard, and all those things. If that's his feeling, he's never mentioned that to me. You have to ask him that particular question."

"To sit here and not make some decisions — which are hard decisions as a head coach — I would not be doing my job," Linehan said. "But I will, at some point here soon, talk to Steven about it. But other than that, I have no comment further."

Linehan met with reporters much later than scheduled on a bizarre Friday afternoon. By all accounts, he left the field in a huff after practice before reporters were assembled outdoors.

Wide receiver Torry Holt said he was beyond surprised at Bulger's benching. "You know I was shocked, man," Holt said. "I was really shocked.

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