Monday, October 6, 2008

St. Louis Rams Fire Scott Linehan

As all of you St. Louis Rams fans know by now the Rams have fired coach Scott Linehan. I just wanted to share with you the official press release to the St. Louis Rams PSL holders. This is a small step in the right direction, but we are far from warm and fuzzy over Jim Haslett.


ST. LOUIS–Chip Rosenbloom, owner and chairman of the St. Louis Rams, announced the appointment this morning of Jim Haslett as interim head coach of the Rams, effective immediately.

Haslett replaces Scott Linehan, who was dismissed as head coach earlier today.

A news conference to introduce Haslett was held at the Russell Training Center today, Monday, Sept. 29, at noon central.

Haslett has served as defensive coordinator of the Rams since the start of the 2006 season. He was formerly head coach of the New Orleans Saints.

"I have enormous respect for Scott Linehan as a person and believe under the right circumstances he will be regarded one day as a fine head coach," Rosenbloom said. "Unfortunately, the situation with the Rams as they exist today is no longer acceptable and we have to make a change.

"We do this with a heavy heart, and we thank Scott for his efforts and dedication on behalf of the Rams.

"By appointing the well-respected Jim Haslett as our head coach, we are making an interim move that we hope will make the Rams winners again."

Haslett joined the Rams after six seasons as head coach of the New Orleans Saints. Haslett led the Saints to an NFC West title with a 10-6

record in his first season and the Saints defeated the Rams 31-27 in an NFC Wild Card playoff.

The Saints were 9-7 and swept the eventual Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2002. Haslett coached the Saints through the 2005 season, which was torpedoed by Hurricane Katrina, forcing the team to live out of suitcases and play their home games in San Antonio.

Haslett's 45 victories ranks second all-time among Saints coaches.

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