Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is Scott Linehan A Wuss?

Is Scott Linehan a Wuss?St. Louis Rams coach Scott Linehan often makes me scratch my head. I have said before that when he was hired I felt like I was a fan of a college team that would now endure 4 years of mediocrity. I never thought that Linehan was qualified to be a head coach in the NFL so I figured we would have to ride out the wave, or four years if you will. Linehan has a 11-21 career record with the Rams. Sure you can't totally blame him with all the injuries and being a new coach taking over for Mike Martz, however I have always had the feeling that he will be here until his time is up and the Rams can replace him with someone better. Linehan was never a head coach in college, and was really not with any major programs. Scott was with Washington and Louisville but they were not real powers at the time and he was the offensive coordinator with each. Since joining the Rams I feel Linehan is not respected by his players. Last year we all saw the looks that Marc Bulger, Torry Holt and Steven Jackson gave him on the sidelines. In addition Linehan took everything from Claude Terrell and Dominic Byrd before finally cutting them loose.

Now comes this weeks examples:
When Steven Jackson told him he would not be making the flight to training camp, Linehan said “I have such respect for Steven and he was respectful with letting me know he wasn’t going to be on the plane.” Is he really this naive? Did he think Steven was hopping on a different plane?

Now today reported It was perhaps the hottest session of practice since the team arrived and it showed according to coach Scott Linehan. In the middle of practice, Linehan called his team to the middle of the field and gave an impassioned plea for a better effort.

The high temperature today in Mequon, Wisconsin was 87 degrees. There are already at least 13 players with nagging injuries a couple pretty serious and we are already whining when it is 87 on July 30th and have to give the players a pep talk. As the kids would say WTF. This is the same Scott Linehan that is being the bizzaro Linehan in 2008. He wanted to move camp away from home, have tougher practices and play the starters more in preseason games. I get no impression at all that he can be tough with these players and make them perform above their abilities.

Is Scott Linehan more suited for college coaching like Pete Carroll? Is Scott Linehan a wuss? What are your impressions of coach Linehan?

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