Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rams Scrimmage News and Notes

The Rams had a short 90 minute or so open to the public scrimmage on Saturday. Other than the fight between Steven Jackson and Atogwe it was pretty uneventful. The starters did not really get to finish the scrimmage since they were ushered off after the fight. During the scrimmage Bulger looked very accurate and you can see that Bennett will be able to make some great catches. I would have liked to see more of Carriker so I don’t have much to report on there. Brian Leonard looked great running between the tackles and making players miss. He appears to be powerful but also very shifty in traffic. Hopefully he will be an upgrade over Davis and the other Rams they have tried to use as short yardage backs or to just spell Jackson. The Rams currently have so many free agents in camp you really can’t get a read on many guys. Jonathan Wade did get quite a lot of time in at RCB and appeared to cover well and made some sure tackles, however like many of the rookies out there he seemed to hit the wall in the St. Louis humidity. Clifton Ryan, Keith Jackson and Jonathan all played a lot and all seemed to get very tired early on. Hopefully some more two-a-days will get these guys in better game shape. Aaron Walker is getting almost all of the work at TE during camp with Klopper and McMichael out. Walker looks to be very sure handed and at 6’6” and 270 pounds he is quite a force out there. I wish we would have seen more of him in 06’. I believe Byrd may get cut because I don’t see the Rams going into the season with 4 TEs on the roster.

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