Saturday, August 11, 2007

Brian Leonard stars in first Pre Season Game

Brian Leonard scored the only St. Louis Rams touchdown Friday night against the Minnesota Vikings leading to a 13-10 victory. Brian who has showed a great ability to run in traffic in camp, again showed a lot of that ability Friday against the Vikings. Brian led the Rams in rushing with 36 yards in 9 attempts including a 11 yard touchdown run on 3rd and one. Brian played the first half after Steven Jackson came out in the 1st quarter. Brian also led the Rams with 5 receptions for 30 yards. He looked just as versital as he appeared at Rutgers and could be a huge addition to the Rams in 07. I think he will be a vast improvement over Steven Davis coming in on 3rd and short. Brian's blocking ability at Rutgers should be a great help if the Rams want him to block on 3rd down pass plays or run on 3rd or 4th and short situations. Do not worry about Jackson's carries in 07 he will get plenty and we now have the ability to still move the ball when he is taking a breather and we use Brian. With 66 total yards and the Rams only TD I give Brian the game ball for week one.

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