Sunday, August 5, 2007

Autographs at Rams Park

This is for those that like to get football autographs and want to know what is going on at Rams camp. The Rams are probably some of the easier autographs to get in the NFL. The main reason is 300-500 people a day are showing up for open practices. Compare this to the 13,000 that were in Philly the other day to watch the Eagles or the full stadium that the Packers played a scrimmage in front of the other night. That is correct a full stadium to watch their own team scrimmage against their own team! For some reason St. Louis only cares about the Cardinals so that is very good news for the autograph hounds. The Rams end their practice and then this year there will be one position that seems to sign that day like the O-line, or D-line, or the secondary etc. When the practice ends you will see a couple of guys set up some tables and chairs. This will be the area you will want to walk to and try to get close to. The big names players will sit at those tables, such as Bulger, Pace, and Witherspoon. Make sure you bring your item and a sharpie it is amazing the amount of people that want things signed that think a player just walks around with a sharpie. The other players signing will be walking around the rail fence just get as close as possible be polite and be ready with the sharpie and item. You should be able to get 5-10 autographs at any of the Rams practices. That’s all there is to it good luck.

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