Friday, July 6, 2007

Does Vick Have Skeletons?

Friday July 6th a property owned by Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was used as the "main staging area for housing and training the pit bulls involved" in an alleged dogfighting operation, according to court documents ( wire reports). What should this mean? What do you think the commissioner should do? If there is even one bone found in that back yard should the league give Vick the boot. He always seems to be right on the brink of trouble but never quite in it. Given his brothers package is this a case of looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck? An informant has told authorities as many as 30 dogs could be buried on the property. They keep stating way too quickly on NFL Network and ESPN that they do not believe Vick will be suspended and that he is not listed in any of the documents this week. Well it is his property and there seem to be players covering for him since the original stories. Vick has never thrown for over 3000 yards, and has a passing rating in the 70's over the past 3 years, can the league do without him. I believe so...

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